The 2nd TPM in Portugal (4-7.09.2022)

The 2nd TPM in Portugal (4-7.09.2022)

Day 1 - The  mobility to Portugal started with a long day exploring the cities of Coimbra famous for its University and Aveiro where we could appreciate the mosaic pavements. In Aveiro, We had a meeting and we had discussions about project issues such as the responsibilities, tasks and budget to verify that everything is going on according to the project plan.  In the afternoon we breathe some fresh air in front of the ocean admiring the striped colored houses and the day ended with a dinner party.

Day 2 - The day started with a visit to the Librarialello and continued with an informal meeting to  discuss and make decisions about    probable risks, which may occur in the next stages of the Project. After a quick lunch in the park at the Feiradelivros we went on sightseeing the amazing city of Porto admiring  the azulejos at the railway station  and walking along its riversides.

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