The Mobility in Türkiye (18-22.08.2022)

The Mobility in Türkiye (18-22.08.2022)

2-The mobility in Türkiye (18-22.08.2022)

On the first day, after welcoming Ceremony at the School, presentations of the school, region, history, culture and history of mosaic art was  given and  the partner countries' students and teachers was ınformed about the importance, story and history of  the mosaics whıch were selected at the kick off meeting in Poland by the students of the host country.

Then we visited Zeugma mosaic museum, which is the world's biggest one. In the museum, the students had the opportunity to listen to the stories of the mosaics while they were viewing them. A sightseeing tour in Gaziantep got Increased knowledge about the roots of the cultures of different European countries through observations. We finished the day at a traditional restaurant.

On the second day ,The students visited Jale Tekinalp  Mosaic  Art Center and they were given their first demonstration of the basic mosaic art techniques and simple kits and made their first mosaics under the supervision of their teachers and a mosaic crafter(Gülçin Sökücü). There was no mosaic design process at this stage, since the mosaic kits require only a minimum amount of stone cutting and gluing.

After having lunch, we wisited  Archeological Site of Zeugma, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage  List. Pupils will had an opportunity to express their observations, feelings, experiences about this historical and mystic atmosphere on the digİtal platforms.

Later, they took a boat tour at Rumkale to visit the sunken parts of the old cities that was buried in the waters of the Euphrates when the Birecik dam was established in 2000.

On the last day we transferred to Erikçe Macera Parkı.

In this park, which aims to raise individuals who are environmentally friendly, self-  confident and contribute to social peace, students had the opportunity to do many activities and reinforced their friendships.

After having Lunch, they went on working on mosaics and completed their first mosaics under the supervision of their teachers and the mosaic crafter. At the Farewell Party, The students had fun and received their Erasmus+ certificates .

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